Dear maintainers,

OpenCSW was founded 6. December 2008 and we will have our 10th anniversary this 
Personally I don’t have much to do with Solaris any more (as probably most of 
you too)
but I still think back how much fun it was and I wonder what all the cool people
from those days are doing now.

The camps have basically stalled in the past years (the last one was in Ilmenau 
However, maybe there is some interest in doing a special 10 year anniversary 
where all attendees talk about their current profession and hobbies and what 
think is cool, have some beer, probably hack on stuff of general interest, 
ideas welcome!

I’ll happily take suggestions on where to make the camp and the agenda,
I could think of making it in Dublin, first because it is easily reachable and
also because it was a great venue last time.

Best regards

 — Dago

"You don't become great by trying to be great, you become great by wanting to 
do something,
and then doing it so hard that you become great in the process." - xkcd #896

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