On Feb 13, 2005, at 6:11 PM, Sisyphus wrote:
I know that PL_FILES get processed during the running of 'make' - but is there any documentation that tells me anything about precisely *when* the processing occurs ? - and what triggers the processing of them ? - or how to control the timing of the processing of them ? I imagined they'd all get done together (ie one after the other) but that's not happening.

If the info's not sitting around somewhere, then it doesn't matter greatly - this is not something that has to be solved yesterday. I can play around with it and hopefully make it less messy - maybe I'll even learn enough to ask an intelligent question :-)

My understanding is that MakeMaker writes a Makefile with all the dependencies, and then make/dmake/nmake work out *when* to satisfy those dependencies. So your question is, in a sense, beyond the scope of MakeMaker.

To track this down, try putting the excerpt you quoted into a new Makefile, define the macros it needs, and run it. Does it create the correct output files?


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