On Sep 2, 2006, at 3:16 PM, Michael G Schwern wrote:

Jos I. Boumans wrote:
from the term 'make distclean' i'd expect it to return my build directory in to the state the MANIFEST dictates. However, it seems to be actually only *telling* me what is wrong, without actually removing the wrong files:

I believe this is intentional behavior. Consider the very common case where you have just developed a new .pm or .t file and not added it to your MANIFEST. You reflexively type "make realclean" and your work disappears and you are sad.

Right - it should only be deleting files it knows it has created, or which the user/author has included in the 'clean' parameter.

Note that the docs also say what it does: just a 'realclean' and then 'distcheck'.

Reading the documentation, that seems to be the intention as well :(
How would i invoke 'make' to clean out everything that's not in the MANIFEST file?

Personally I'd just remove the directory and re-extract it from the tarball, like CPAN.pm does.


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