Saw mjd tweet about a new build system called "redo" that does two things I've
never seen before in a build system.  First, it breaks the build process up
into files that live alongside the file it's controlling.  Want to compile a C
program?  Write that compiles hello.c.  Want a test target?  Write  Where's the code that generates lib/  It's in lib/

Second, the do files are just programs.  They respond to #!.  Even though it
was designed with shell in mind (I need to tell the author a few things about
shell portability) they're not tied to it.

If you're interested in build system, I would highly recommend reading through

The major downside is all those .do files everywhere.  Who's going to write
them?  Wouldn't it be nice if there was something to GENERATE them?

Yes.  Indeed.  Hmm.  Interesting.

Don't try the paranormal until you know what's normal.
    -- "Lords and Ladies" by Terry Prachett

  • redo Michael G Schwern

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