I am trying to package some compiled Java anonymous classes within a Perl 
package but found it to be impossible. I need them because my code uses 

The problem lies in the filenames: e.g. they contain $1 (e.g. 
ClassName$1.class). In the Makefile generated by perl Makefile.PL such file 
names are not quoted and thus they erroneously become "ClassName.class" because 
the special shell variables $1, $2, ... etc are substituted for empty strings. 
Is there any cure for that other than packaging all my classes as JARs?

Quoting the file names containing a $ in the MANIFEST (e.g. 
'ClassName$1.class', 'ClassName\$1.class', ClassName\$1.class) does not help 

Thank you for your help. CPAN is wonderful!

regards / saluti
Antonio Bonifati (sysadmin, web programmer / sistemista, programmatore web)
English mobile: +44 7400977350
BLOG: http://antonio-bonifati.blogspot.com
My profile: http://www.google.com/profiles/antonio.bonifati

skype: antonio.bonifati
msn: a...@venus.deis.unical.it
gtalk: antonio.bonif...@gmail.com
There are no hard distinctions between what is real and what is unreal, nor 
between what is true and what is false. A thing is not necessarily either true 
or false; it can be both true and false. 
Harold Pinter

Non vi sono distinzioni nette tra ciò che è reale e ciò che è irreale, nè tra 
quello che è vero e quello che è falso. Una cosa non è necessariamente vera o 
falsa, può essere sia vera che falsa allo stesso tempo

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