Every day there is some kind of darkness,
  That just won't go away,
  No matter how hard I try.

  Crawls into your system while your guard is down,
  Becomes the ball that you drag around to,

  Every party,
  At every function,
  To give to people with written instructions,
  Don't try to get away,
  I'm here to stay,
  My name is fate.

  -- "Fait accompli" - Curve

V7.48 of ExtUtils-MakeMaker has crawled onto CPAN

The full change log is available online at:


Further detail is available in the source code repository at

The following designated drivers got it safely home:

Chris 'BinGOs' Williams, Ed J, Graham Knop, Leon Timmermans,
Nicolas R, Todd Rinaldo

"I've come to crush your bones"

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