In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David Wilson-Okamura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

One thing I've thought about doing is bringing in some slides of ancient Rome; my hope is that this will make the history a bit less abstract. I'm wondering, though, whether I might have more success if I simply left the history alone and focused on the literary elements.
Vergil didn't leave out the history, or the politics, even if people can't agree what to make of them, or even whether they're *meant* to agree. It is surely a legitimate question to ask whether Aeneas' abandonment of Dido, at divine behest, for his higher destiny, is to be read not merely as a fusion of the Calypso and Circe episodes (or even in relation to Naevius, if we think we know enough about him to debate Horsfall's account of the matter), but as a pointed comment on Antony's adherence to the national enemy Cleopatra; at least that how I reacted to it at school.

Leofranc Holford-Strevens

Leofranc Holford-Strevens
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