Thank you Helen for your point. Is well taken. However, in the history of Human kind, culture is created and destroyed. the only thing surviving is human being. This tells us that no matter which culture we come from there is something that is common denominator, "We are still human beings". Your efforts on painting is no more that your way of expressing how you see culture. What I'm trying to say is that it takes more one person to create or maintain culture.
What artists(writers, musicians, painters) do is to make sure the ideas of certain cultures transcend time and space. That is exactly what Virgil did. he did not create the culture, but rather, he let me, and I hope most of you, to enjoy marvelous things from people that they exist thanks to Virgil. That culture may be death by now, but thanks to artists, I CAN ENJOY getting to know them.
Helen keep painting, and make sure that my grandkids in 20 years will be able to enjoy getting to know our culture, in that way we won't be forgotten.

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