At 03:58 PM 8/27/2004 +0200, runako taylor wrote:
I have been recieving email messages from <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]
and I believe that these messages are being sent out by a virus attempting to propogate itself. Would the list serve owner please verify the safety of the list serve and would the person at <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] please check to make sure that their pc is virus free. Thank you.

1. The software that handles the mailing list doesn't scan for viruses. Within certain limits, It passes on whatever is sent to it. As of this writing, I have tightened those limits. If by chance you send a message to the list and it doesn't show up within a day's time, write to me privately at [EMAIL PROTECTED] It's possible that your message is getting trapped by the new security measures (which are fairly blunt).

2. In general, don't open unknown attachments.

3. I'm sure [EMAIL PROTECTED] is working hard to clean up his computer. In the meantime, he has been removed from the mailing list.

Yours faithfully,
David Wilson-Okamura
Listowner, Mantovano

David Wilson-Okamura [EMAIL PROTECTED]
East Carolina University Virgil reception, discussion, documents, &c
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