Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 17:05:11 -0400
From: Alfonso Georeno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 11:28 AM 9/14/98 -0600, you wrote:
>An interesting site that has links to lit and language resources (as well
as some other bizarre stuff) is:
>>>> "Shannon Merlino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 09/07 6:48 PM >>>
>To whom it may concern:
>  As a junior taking AP Latin in high school, I am required to research 
>Virgil and translate the Aeneid.  I am also interested in Italian, so I 
>am looking for the URL's for some Italian-language sites on Virgil.  I 
>looked on your site but couldn't find any.  If possible, could you 
>please forward any URL's you might know of to me?  Thank you for your 
>time and effort.
>  Sincerely,
> Shannon Merlino
Mr. "Jones":

I am appalled that you would refer a high school junior to such a website
as "Partyharvey." The young asked for linguistic information, not referrals
for the purchase of aphrodisiacs, "pleasure enhancers," Kama Sutra
information, etc. If there is such an offense as impairing the morals of a
minor via e-mail, you are surely guilty thereof. The site is, plainly and
simply, pornographic.

I invite the webmaster to visit the site himself and take whatever action
seems necessary.

Alfonso Georeno
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