There is surely some irony here: the apparition (is it really Mercury?)
makes the famous remark about the untrustworthiness of women in order to
persuade Aeneas to disregard the trust which a woman had placed in him.
The passage may be more PC than it looks!  I'd like to echo David's
disagreement with the idea that A is a complete failure with women: on
the contrary, he likes and respects them, they (think of Andromache as
well as of Dido) like and respect him, he is a sincere and committed lover
except when he is caught up in the tragic conflict between amor and
pietas.  Mercury's sneering 'Uxorius!' (266) is an unpleasant kind
of acknowledgement of his commitment to Dido.  I can see that Caro may not
want to take Creusa's 'o dulcis coniunx' at face value but these words
can't be completely misleading, surely. - Martin Hughes    

On Fri, 6 Nov 1998, Bradford Miller wrote:

> of course no discussion about the treatment of women in the Aeneid would
> be complete without perhaps the most un-P.C. line of the epic: (which,
> coincidentally, is a line within a section taken out by the College Board
> on the AP reading list this year) (Mercury to Aeneas)
> " varium et mutabile semper femina." (IV, 569-70) "a woman is always a
> changing and fickle thing"
> Brad Miller
> Choate Rosemary Hall
> Wallingford, CT
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