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Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 13:09:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: Philip Thibodeau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Has anyone yet seen a review of Richard Jenkyns' new Virgil's
Experience?  It seemed to me to be making such a play to become THE
Vergil book that I am very curious to find out how reviewers have been
treating it.

Thanks for the reminder about this, which sounds like a must buy - 

> Reading Vergil's Aeneid: An Interpretive Guide,
> edited by C.Perkell 

Phil Thibodeau
Philip J. Thibodeau
Franklin Teaching Fellow
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia    30602-6203
vox: 706-542-9264
fax: 706-542-8503
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