Bruce Lewis schrieb:
> Yes, sir, those are the works and the writers I am referring to.  Any 
> ideas for development in essays by very advanced high school 
> students?  They've read the works already.

mmh. first idea: the Dido-book. 
but we'd better go back to the roots: 
from Homer to Lucan all epic developments show parts of dramatic polarity, also 
of a hidden Dionysian symphonic depth under a more describing Apollinic 
so just beginning with Achilleus and his selfbinding "mênis" (first words: 
"mênin aeide...") as the great fundament of all inner and outer fights fought 
the Ilias; 
then in all those crisis-situations of Odysseus, where Poseidaon seems to 
represent the Dionysic oecean (remember Schopenhauer: principium 
as a little boat on a stormy sea), Odysseus always is the skillfull 
consciousness, formed by experience, personality and "I" ("o moi ego!"). 
This experience in tempest and boiling oceanwaves has some echoes in the 
directly in the beginning. 
But not Poseidaon, it's more Iuno who represents the Dionysian power and 
nemesis-part against the well-formed personality, the "duty himself", Aeneas. 
So for the Dido-book it might be fertile to look at: what is Iuno's influence 
Dido? Dido's love is dramatic, Aeneas' consciousness of duty shows an 
anti-dramatic counterpart, that lets the tragedy develope until catastrophe. 
Dramatic also are the many dialogues and speeches. (But where is the chorus?)

second idea: Aeneas with Sibylla in the inferno. the link is built by the 
chthonian goddesses and their relationship to Dionysos in the Eleusis-mysteria. 
But the whole scene ist not Dionysic in character or Chaos as the epic storms 
and ocean-sceneries use to be, no: it is very awakened and formed; it brings 
rules, punishments and renewing order of lives, hell and heaven 
well-differentiated, and it has the great prophecy of Ilion=Roma: that all 
Apollon, changing the powers of Python into pythian oracle, maybe the Apollinic 
function of Hermes Psychagêtês, too; - and in the Elysian fields we find 
in his serene function of Mousagêtês, for we see the poets, singers, 
philosophers there, Orpheus himself we see - (is Orpheus more an Apollon on 
earth or a torne Dionysos - and all later poets try to collect those "disiecti 
membra poetae"? 

so far a try of a fast sketch,
(tja, das ist ein weites Feld)
grusz, hansz

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