It's been about a year since I posted the last major revisions to the
online bibliography Virgil in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the
Renaissance. I'm not quite ready to render all the new material into HTML
(removing frames while I'm at it), but I do have a working draft of the
whole thing online now at

It's in Portable Document Format (PDF), so you'll need Adobe Acrobat to
view it (free to download at
<>). As always, thanks
to the many people who have contributed items, especially to Otfried
Lieberknecht, Helen Conrad-O'Briain, and Gert de Ceukelaire. 

For those with slow (or expensive) connections: it's not small (68
pages/191 kilobytes).

David Wilson-Okamura              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Macalester College      Virgil Tradition: discussion, bibliography, &c.
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