On 21 June I will expose my degree dissertation on the Memory of Eclogues in the XII book of the Aeneid. Just to satisfy my curiosity, I wonder if there are artists that have represented episodes of this book. Do you know anyone?

There is a book called 'The Trojan War In Ancient Art' by Susan Woodford whcih may be of use (I would recommend that and her An Introduction To Greek Art' to anyone intereted - she writes very well and clearly). This book focus' more on acient art rather than modern however.

Hope that helps a bit!


"the current crop of 18-25 year olds is the most politically apathetic generation in American history. In 1972, half of that age group voted. In the last election, 32%.
Your generation is considerably less likely than any previous one to write or call public officials, attend rallies, or work on political campaigns.
A man once said this, "decisions are made by those who show up."
So are we failing you, or are you failing us? A little of both.”

President Bartlet, The West Wing (ep. “What Kind of Day Has It Been?”)

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