Dear Filippo,
        Thank you very much!
Helen COB
On Saturday, March 16, 2002, at 12:19 PM, Filippo & Irene wrote:

I have a student who is interested in working on Dante's possible use of
Vergilian commentaries. Would anyone have any suggestions on must read
Helen Conrad-O'Briain
On Tuesday, March 5, 2002, at 07:04 PM, David Wilson-Okamura wrote:

dear helen c-o'.b,
it is absolutely likely that Dante used Vergilian commentaries belonging to
late Antiquity
and Middle Ages too, inasmuch as Dante's culture was strongly filled with
Latin literature,
both classic and mediaeval, much more than many people can think, and that
was always read through commentaries that were made also with 'vitae' and
'accessus' about the 'auctor' and the contents of these
have surely influenced Dante, and many other poets and writers, in the
composition of their masterpieces.
Unfortunately I have not informations about english bibliography on this
I can only quote V.deAngelis-G.C.Alessio, "Nacqui sub Julio, ancor che fosse
tardi" (Inf. 1, 70), Studi vari di lingua e letteratura italiana
in onore di G. Velli, Quaderni di Acme 41 (2000), pp.127-145 (published in
Milan): the authors explain a famous interpretative 'crux' of the Commedia
(Inf. 1, 70) about the meeting of Dante and Virgil through Dante's knowledge
of late Antiquity (e.g. Servius above all) and mediaeval Virgil's 'vitae'
and commentaries.
For further informations I could make further researches.
dr. F. Bognini
PhD University of Venice. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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