I suppose if it keeps happening you have no choice.

I would urge you not to use Yahoo Groups, which is a scandalous shambles
and a real nuisance to cope with, not just to join but on an ongoing


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Wilson-Okamura" <david@virgil.org>
To: <mantovano@virgil.org>
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 3:42 PM
Subject: VIRGIL: bullet-proof fix

> The software that runs Mantovano is old and far from bullet-proof. A
> possible solution is to move the list to a free mailing list service
> such as Google Groups. This would simplify my job, certainly!
> The main disadvantage is that everyone who wants to continue receiving
> messages would need to register with Google Groups. It's easy (and
> free), but it is an additional step. Right now, it's extremely easy to
> join the discussion -- and also easy to send spam. I do what I can
> behind the scenes, but some kinds of spam I can't intercept.
> What are your thoughts?

To leave the Mantovano mailing list at any time, do NOT hit reply.
Instead, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message
"unsubscribe mantovano" in the body (omitting the quotation marks). You
can also unsubscribe at http://virgil.org/mantovano/mantovano.htm#unsub

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