Hi Christoph,

I thought that the root of the failure might be the (IMHO) incorrect usage of arrays in Javascript. Correct me if I'm but AFAIK there are no associative arrays within javascript. The purpose of these are handles by objects. I know that object have some disadvantages -- e.g. they are missing the length property.

I personally favor the bracketed syntax, but thats a sole personal preference.

-- Marc

Christoph Baudson (WhereGroup) schrieb:
Sorry for the last post. Ignore it. Too much copy and paste for any human to handle. Here's the version I intended to post


To illustrate the difference, an example

Does not work with toJSONString()

       currentLayer.layer_style[count] = [];
       currentLayer.layer_style[count]["name"] = styleName;
       currentLayer.layer_style[count]["title"] = styleTitle;
       currentLayer.layer_style[count]["legendurl"] = styleLegendUrl;
currentLayer.layer_style[count]["legendurlformat"] = styleLegendUrlFormat;

Does work

       currentLayer.layer_style[count] = {};
       currentLayer.layer_style[count].name = styleName;
       currentLayer.layer_style[count].title = styleTitle;
       currentLayer.layer_style[count].legendurl = styleLegendUrl;
currentLayer.layer_style[count].legendurlformat = styleLegendUrlFormat;

May work, not tried (curly brackets in line 1)

      currentLayer.layer_style[count] = {};
      currentLayer.layer_style[count]["name"] = styleName;
      currentLayer.layer_style[count]["title"] = styleTitle;
      currentLayer.layer_style[count]["legendurl"] = styleLegendUrl;
currentLayer.layer_style[count]["legendurlformat"] = styleLegendUrlFormat;
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