The code assumes the following:

You are lauching the ajax viewer in a frame named "ViewerFrame"

You are using this code inside the task pane, which is 2 levels deep (hence
the parent.parent bit)

Assuming you are using this code from the task pane, just change
"ViewerFrame" to the name of the frame that contains your ajax viewer.

- Jackie

dorra2007 wrote:
> Thank you macieksk for your reply;
> I have tried the code you gave me but  Ihave this error message when
> executing it :
> parent.parent.ViewerFrame.mapFrame have the null value or is not an object
> I thing that the error is expected beacause the name of the map is not
> mentionned.
> I don't know how to manipulate frames, can you explain me, please, what
> parent.parent.ViewerFrame refers to?!
> In some codes that I found in forums, this expression is used:
> parent.mapframe.Mymap
> to access the map, where Mymap is the name of the map  I want to clic on.
> So, what do you think?
> macieksk wrote:
>> function DigitizeRectangle()
>> {
>>    // ShowResults("");
>> parent.parent.ViewerFrame.mapFrame.DigitizeRectangle(OnRectangleDigitized);
>> }
>>          function ShowResults4(res2)
>>      {
>>       parent.parent.ViewerFrame.GetScriptFrame().location.href = 
>> "file.php?cord="+res2+"&type=square";
>>        parent.parent.ViewerFrame.mapFrame.Refresh();
>>      }
>>        function OnRectangleDigitized(rect)
>>        {
>>        str = rect.Point1.X + " " + rect.Point1.Y + ",";
>>        str += rect.Point1.X + " " + rect.Point2.Y + ",";
>>        str += rect.Point2.X + " " + rect.Point2.Y + ",";
>>        str += rect.Point2.X + " " + rect.Point1.Y + ",";
>>        str += rect.Point1.X + " " + rect.Point1.Y + ",";
>>        ShowResults4(str);
>>        }
>> now
>> 1. use DigitizeRectangle() function in onclick event
>> 2. this function call OnRectangleDigitized()  who take x1,y1 , x2,y2
>> coords
>> 3. all is send to ShowResults4() whit res2 option...res2 have x1,y1 , 
>> x2,y2 coords so whit this you can write ex. point (my code write square)
>> i don't know when you use script so take a look on
>> parent.parent.ViewerFrame call.
>> it that helpful?
>> maciek
>> dorra2007 pisze:
>>> Someone can give me a comprehensive javascript code of the DigitizePoint
>>> process.
>>> (the onDigitizedPoint doesnt accept point as argument nor (map,point),
>>> !!!!)
>>> My task:I'am trying to pickup a point coordinate when the user clics on
>>> the
>>> map and store them into a database.
>>> I will be really grateful if you can help me.
>> -- 
>> ,
>> Maciej Skórczewski
>> Autodesk Authorized Value Added Reseller
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