Hi Guys,

I’ve a strange problem.

Here, it is:

I make a simple selection on my map, and I get back the data with the
object : MgSelection

I’m  using this piece of code :

String filter = sel.GenerateFilter(layer, className);


reader = layer.SelectFeatures(query);

where sel is my MgSelection.

Everything works fine, the generateFilter gives me something like
ID=56.000  AND ID = 64.000

With the records obtained, I propose different type of file output format
(csv, xml,sdf,shp). But the problem comes when I use SHP !

After the generation, the records are well generated in the folder (with
all types format : shp,dbf,…).

But if I retry the selection elsewhere on the map, the GenerateFilter gives
me a result totally different like  ID=56,000 AND ID=64,000

The separator value “.”  is replaced by “,”  and then the selection never
works again.

As someone an idea of what happening ?

I don’t see the relation between the shape creation (osgeo.fdo) and the map
server, the twice object are not linked

Very strange ….


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