I really want to be a cynic and to tell management to stop using things like
Google (open source) and basically most of the web running on Linux.

There would be a more of risk to management to move to a platform that is
not as "open" as MGOS.  However, the key to any thing is the DATA.  Data is

So, if you do go with ArcGIS Server, for example, make sure your data is a
format that all GISes can see.  For example, most GIS systems can see SHP
(not SDF).

But above all, the data should be stored in a database such as Oracle, SQL
Server or PostgreSQL & PostGIS.

If you do store your data in a database, especially with ArcGIS Enterprise,
make sure you are using the databases' native Geometry format and not ESRI
Proprietary st geom.  

Your life will be way easier.

If your data is in a neutral database, all GIS systems can view and edit the
data (given permissions) and regardless of what comes down the pipe
(Autodesk/ESRI/Tesla/Amazon GIS) you are in a position to take advantage.




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