Hello Jackie,

I downloaded the instantsetup from your link and followed your instructions;
but didn't have any luck. 

I got the following error when attempting to reset the password:

> E:\MapGuide 4.0 Preview 1.1 Installer\Server\bin>mgserver.exe setpwd
> Administrator admin
> Setting the password for the specified user
> (13600) Failed to load the resource file "Resources/mapguide_en.res" for
> locale
> "en".
> (13600) Server stopped.

I downloaded the newer preview build, but with the same results. 
I tried moving the Resources/mapguide_en.res file to sit in the root of
mgserver.exe, but I'm probably opening an unnecessary can of worms doing
However, after running the command again after moving that file, I got the
following message:

> E:\MapGuide 4.0 Preview 1.1 Installer\Server\bin>mgserver.exe setpwd
> Administrat
> or admin
> Setting the password for the specified user
> (7704) MgServer::open() - The MentorDictionaryPath setting is invalid. The
> coord
> inate system engine could not be initialized.
> (7704) The thrown error was: A file IO exception occurred:
> ..\..\..\Oem\CsMap\Cs
> MapDev\Dictionaries\
> Failed to retrieve message for "MgFileNotFoundException".(7704) The
> coordinate s
> ystem initialization failed.
> - MgServer.open() line 798 file
> c:\working\build_area\mapguide\4.0.0\x64\mgdev\s
> erver\src\core\Server.cpp
> (7704) Server stopped.

I've tried this with both the server running and while stopped. 


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