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Many thanks to Peter Barber and Eric  Johnson-Baufre.  It seems clear there 
is no readily available information  to indicate Lord Burghley had a map of 
Warwickshire or if he did that it  survives.
       Such a map if one could ever be found  would be quite valuable, 
especially for Stratford-on-Avon where the  Shakespeare-Arden family lived -- a 
family which left a long and intriguing  paper trail that it clung to "Ye 
Olde Faith" after 1588 and even well into  the Jacobean period.
       This Catholic-flavored paper trial was  never fully assembled prior 
to 1950 and even to the extent that it was that year  in one work, the 
hostility to Catholicism in Britain and the Shakespeare  Establishment i 
particular rendered any pursuit of this evidence taboo -- along  with a 
against any speculation that England''s Icon, the  Bard might have been 
bisexual or homosexual (e.g. the Sonnets).   The  great Lord Acton encouraged 
the pursuit of the Catholic connections in the  mid-1850s but only quietly in 
order to protect his academic career given  that he was a Roman Catholic.
       Beginning in the late 1990s, this  suppression of evidence came to 
an end and has resulted in a profound and  deepening schism among Shakespeare 
scholars who still cling to the idea that the  man from Stratford was the 
real literary genius as opposed to being a pen name  for some other person.
       The split is between the Orthodox  Stratfordians and the growing 
ranks of those who now maintain that the incumbent  Bard is so elusive, 
mysterious because he was in fact living a double life  as a crypto-Catholic -- 
belief system with the Orthodox scholars  correctly reject as a misfit, 
ultimately incompatible with the  Shakespearean literary works when taken as a 
       In any case, a Lord  Burghley-commissioned map of 
Warwickshire/Stratford town that  pin-points families that were Church Papists, 
etc. (perhaps the  incumbent Bard's family??) would be potentially quite 
valuable and perhaps  rock the Kingdom all the way to Buckingham Palace.
       Actually, my forthcoming book  which offers a solution to the 
160-year old Shakespeare authorship  dispute will Rock the Kingdom, especially 
Royal Palace.  Trying to  solve the Shakespeare mystery has been as equally 
challenging as trying to  determine the true origins of Christopher 
Columbus, but at least we know the  Bard was an Englishman just like God. 
Peter Dickson
Arlington, Virginia
Phone:  703-243-6641
Email:  _pwdbard@aol.com_ ( 
MapHist: E-mail discussion group on the history of cartography
hosted by the Faculty of Geosciences, University of Utrecht.
The statements and opinions expressed in this message are those of
the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the University of
Utrecht. The University of Utrecht does not take any responsibility for
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