
There are some nifty features about to be available via a 2.0 release.  Take a look and try the down loand and let us know...

MidNight Mapper
Aka Neil

Jacqueline Sloggett wrote:


Hi Everyone,

I need some assistance with Vertical Mapper.  At the moment my colleague is trying to produce a slope class map.  He's produced a height grid from a contour map, and then produced a slope grid using the inbuilt function.  Which he then exports into MI and then carries out Nearest Neighbour Analysis to produce slope polygons.  He is then querying the resultant table to fit into allocated slope classes eg. <15 degrees, 15-20 degrees. and then updating the corresponding table column.

Is there an easier way of achieving this as the computational times are horrendous particularly for the Nearest Neighbour Analysis stage (in the region of 4 hours for a 10 m grid)?

Any ideas would be great.

Cheers Jacqui.

Jacqueline Sloggett
Plantation Analyst

Hancock Victorian Plantations
P.O. Box 534
Collins St West
Victoria 3000


"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are"  - Anais Nin
"Do or Do Not - There is No Try" - Yoda

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