The original question was very broad.  I answered it one way, other 
respondents answered it other ways.  The question is similar to:  are there 
MapInfo programs that can calculate the occurrence, location, timing, and 
effects of large hurricanes?

Here is some background info (I hope I do not bore too many of you).

There are several sides/parts to the original question:
a) developing an understanding of the timing and type of shaking (ground 
motion) from large earthquakes,
b) developing realistic (?) 3-D models of the subsurface surrounding the 
location of earthquakes,
c) developing realistic models of the effects of earthquake shaking on 
structures (earthquakes do not kill people, buildings do), 
d) Deciding how and what type of 
documents/maps/reports/models/regulations/laws a government should create to 
inform/educate/control/restrict the public (both the general public and the 
technical public - engineers and geologists).

Hundreds of geologists, engineers, and planners have been working on these 
problems since 1906.

Understanding of the timing and type of shaking output of large earthquakes.  
 Large earthquakes have reoccurrence intervals in the range of 100 to 1000's 
of years.  One of the best ways to estimate the reoccurrence is to excavate 
trenches across the main fault trace.  Examination of the trench walls allows 
a geologist to estimate the time between major earthquake events (over the 
past 500 to 1000 years or so) and a rough idea of the size (magnitude) of the 
earthquake.  When enough trenches have been evaluated, one can get a 
reasonable idea of the average(!) time between earthquakes on that particular 
fault.  Each fault has different parameters.  This technique only works for 
faults that cut the surface of the earth with a distinct fault plane.  You 
have to use different methods for large crustal earthquakes (such as those 
that hit the east coast every 200-400 years), thrust fault related 
earthquakes, and subduction type earthquakes (such as those off the northwest 
coast of the US).  This question has also lead to the wide spread placement 
of seismic motion recorders. When an earthquake occurs, the ground motion is 
recorded to help improve the data/parameters for that fault.

There are no for-sure answers to the timing and shaking of earthquakes, and 
only the well known active faults have been analyzed (it takes years to 
decades to do enough trenching to get sufficient data).  This problem has 
lead to the development of mathematical models to estimate the physical 
effects of large earthquakes.  There are two camps - the deterministic and 

The deterministic group evaluates the potential shaking effects by specifying 
a fault (and its parameters) and then evaluating the effects of that fault on 
the site in question.  For example, the published information about a fault 
indicates that it will generate a magnitude 7.6 earthquake, has a north-south 
trending fault plane, and is 10 km from the site.  Plugging this date in to 
various equations indicates that this fault would cause a ground acceleration 
of 0.6g at the site in question.  Each fault in the surrounding area would 
then be evaluated, and the highest resulting site acceleration would then be 
used in the structural design.  The fault parameters are based on actual 
analysis  (trenching, etc.) of that fault (hence the term deterministic), and 
are used to come up with terms such as the MCE (the maximum credible 
earthquake) for each fault.  (you could also call this a fault based 

The probabilistic group recognized a major problem.  What do you do about 
faults that you have no information about or that you do not even know 
exists?  They studied the problem and came up with a different method.  They 
do not care about specific faults.  Instead they look at an overall region, 
evaluate it, and create a series of probabilistic equations.  Note, the 
equation are not created out of thin air.  They are based on the same data 
that the deterministic group uses.   Using these equations one can estimate 
the scale  of ground shaking (0.3g, 0.5g, etc) that will occur at a site over 
a specified time period (10 years, 50 years, 100 years, etc).   The longer 
the time period, the greater the ground shaking  (you start pulling in bigger 
and bigger earthquakes as the time increases).   There is no such thing as a 
worse case earthquake in this methodology.  However, the engineer/geologist 
has to choose the level of risk (not an easy task).  A hospital is a critical 
structure and would be would be evaluated over 5,000 to 10,000 years 
(resulting in a large ground acceleration), whereas a house might only be 
evaluated over a 100 year time period (resulting in a lessor ground 
acceleration).  (you could also call this a site based analysis)

In general, a deterministic evaluation will give ground shaking values 10 to 
15 percent less than a probabilistic evaluation.  However, over long time 
periods, the deterministic values will equal probabilistic values.  

Developing realistic 3-D models of the subsurface surrounding the location of 

The above is only concerned with the faults themselves.  Seismic waves that 
occur during an earthquake travel through the ground to a site.  The 
properties of the soil/rock through which the seismic waves travel have a 
large control on the resulting effects of the earthquake (called site 
effects).  This is why someone standing on bedrock will barely feel an 
earthquake while someone a half a mile away on basin fill will become sea 
sick from the ground motion.

 In the simplest earthquake models, the ground is assumed to be a homogenous 
soil and everything reacts the same (this is what is assumed in many of the 
probabilistic models - one of the drawbacks to that method).  The problem is 
in gathering enough data to develop a geologically reasonable 3-D subsurface 
model of an area.   This includes the spatial variation in soil/rock types, 
as well as defining the geotechnical parameters of each of the soil/rock 
types.   The work is on going, but will take a decade or more to complete. 
The fun thing is that when you have a good 3-D subsurface model, you can put 
the sub-surface data and earthquake parameters into large FEM/FDM codes and 
model the basin effects of individual earthquake events (the USGS has some 
neat videos of this type of computer output).  This is called a strong ground 
motion analysis.

When you put an earthquake into the geologic model, how much of the 
earthquake signal do you use?  Now, only the main part of the signal is used, 
the Coda (the tail) is ignored.  There is also the problem of the attenuation 
relationships for each of the soil/rock types.  The attenuation factor 
indicates how much energy a soil/rock type absorbs - it fundamentally 
controls the look of any seismic shaking map.   There are no easy answers, 
and as with any large-scale endeavor, there are competing 

Developing realistic models of the effects of earthquake shaking on structures

This may sound like basic engineering, but it can be difficult.  In any area, 
there is a wide range and age of structural designs.  Each will react 
slightly differently.   To analyze this, you have to survey all of the 
buildings in an area. (a wood framed building is affected by high frequencies 
while a tall building is affected by high frequencies).  How much ground 
movement can a building withstand?  We generally talk about ground shaking, 
but what about permanent ground deformation (landslides, lateral spreading, 
liquefaction, etc)?

There is also the fundamental design question.  Do you design the building 
for life safety or for usability?  Under life safety, the building has to 
hang together long enough for people to get out safely (the structural 
engineers have always assumed stable ground).  You do not care if the 
building has to be torn down later.  Over the past few years, governments and 
insurance companies have become aware of the infrastructure costs, and there 
is a move to design the buildings to a usability level.  The people have to 
get out OK, and the building has to be serviceable (easily repaired) after 
the earthquake.  This is a much more expensive design standard.

On top of this, you also have to include all of the previous earthquake and 
geologic problems mentioned earlier.

This is where the EQE model appears to fall.  Their model appears to be 
designed to estimate the effect of a specific earthquake (a determinist 
model) on infrastructure.  They have gathered data about the buildings in an 
area (from insurance companies).  What is unknown is the level of their basin 
geology.  Do they assume a 1-D soil model, or have they gone to a more 
realistic 3-D geologic model (basement depths, formation velocities, etc) 
that also includes liquefaction and other localized hazards?

Deciding how and what type of documents/maps/reports/models/regulations/laws 
a government should create to inform/educate/control/restrict the public

This seems simple, but is quite complex.  What is the purpose of data 
released by a government?   Are seismically related maps designed to reduce 
the damage from future earthquakes;  are they intended to be used by 
engineers or the general public; are they intended to protect life or 
property (these are very different); are they designed to allow planners to 
include seismic information in regional plans?  

Is it possible that we will never sufficiently understand earthquake related 
hazards and are wasting our time?  Some engineers have a very different view. 
 They say, why waste the money on geologic/seismic evaluation?  We know 
earthquakes will occur in certain areas, just design all of the buildings in 
that area to withstand a certain level of shaking.  We would not need all 
these fancy codes and parameters.

I have gone on to long, but it is a fun subject.

s. figuers

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