Thanks to everyone for their suggestions.

Thanks especially to David M Haycraft whose code worked perfectly (shown 

Select *
>From PointTab
Where not (PointTab.Obj within any (Select Obj from RegionTab))

Most other suggestions like "Not Point.Obj Within Region.Obj" caused 
MapInfo to reply "No Join specified between tables. Invalid join condition 
in WHERE clause". This was strange because the syntax was checked and said 
to be correct.

Thanks once again David M Haycraft (and thanks to Peter Laulund who was 
also on the right track)


  Senior Technical Officer / GIS Co-ordinator
  BC Tonkin & Associates, Consulting Engineers
  55 Queen Street, Adelaide, SA, 5000, Australia        
  Ph: +61 8 8223 5583      Fax: +61 8 8223 5237

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