Thanks to Paul, Sue and Ansi for their prompt response to my question:

>Can anyone tell me the syntax to use to change the format of autolables in
> the expression dialog box.
> For example, I have a table of regions for which I would like to place
> labels on the map with area in the form #.# ha (currently the label has
> format #.##### ha). In the expression dialog I have
> Area(object,"sqm")/10000 + " ha"
> I have tried the Format$((Area(object,"sqm")/10000),#.#) and variations on
> this without success.

I had read a similar question in the Mapinfo archive but no response was
sent back to the list, so....
Pauls response, just for the record

>Format$((Area(object,"sqm")/10000), "#.#") + " ha"

>The second parameter to the Format$ statement is a string, and so your
>suggested format should be quoted with double quotes. The same should apply
>with your year column.

Kim Greenham
Watershed Digital Mapping
RMB 1015 Denmark Western Australia  6333
Ph 61 (08) 9848 2428 Fax 61 (08) 9848 2458

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