Title: MI SUM: Simulated click

Thanks to all those that responded.   I had  with various useful suggestions including:

search command,  SearchPoint, SearchRect, set map window & SelChangedHandler.

However, my original message was obviously not very clear about what I wanted, as all of these answers were slightly off the mark.

After a brief discussion with Steve Wallace I discovered that what I wanted to do would take considerable time effort and resources. So, for the now I've ditched the idea and worked around it.

For those of you that are still interested, this is what I wanted to do, but apparently can't.:

I was trying to activate a MB link to plume modelling software (aloha). The link program (that I don't have the original code for) creates  menu items in mapinfo which I can activate using "Run menu Command".  One of these menu commands is used to identify the source of chemical spill/explosion etc.  Once this part of the menu is activated the user would usually click on the map to identify the source & automatically fire up the aloha software.  Instead of clicking on the map I  wanted to be able to read the coordinates of the source from a file & use these to identify the source.

If anyone out there has got an answer I'd be very interested - But don't worry I shan't be holding my breath.

Thanks again


Paul Brown
GIS Development Officer
Avon Health Authority

Tel:  0117 9002490
Fax: 0117 9766601

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