You every have one of those days, when you've been at it too long and OPPS,
you just deleted a bunch of data you didn't mean to thereby messing up many
long hours of work?
Well ANSSI your Recover.mbx just saved my butt at the end of a long day!  
Listers, if you've ever had this happen to you (Like thinking that you can
delete all those points at 0,0 forgetting that it also deletes the
underlying data!)
go directly to the shareware files and download this gem.

By the way, as a long time lister (since around '95 I believe) let me take a
moment to thank all you folks out there who participate. I imagine that
there are lots like me, who generally can't participate much due to
workload, but when I'm reading my email off my palm pilot while stopped at a
light on the way to/from the office, I probably pick-up at least one little
gem per week. This is a wonderful resource that needs to be recognized.

Thanks again,

Doug Wilson                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IT Group                                           
4701 Business Park Blvd. Suite 36
Anchorage, AK  99503
(907)563-2814 FAX

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