When I use the rectangular select tool, not all selections are highlighted.
It does appear to get the selections that aren’t highlighted into the set,
but it doesn’t look that way on the map window.  What's going on?

How do I enter a line, and stop the line without double clicking?  I end up
with lines that have 2 nodes at the end, and then need to edit each one.
There has got to be a better way.

I can see the lettering, and ticks on the edge of the map in the map view.
I believe that what I see reflects the ordering of the layers.  When I go to
the layout view, I can see both sides lettering and ticks, but only the
lettering shows up on the bottom and the top in “view actual size” mode.
When I zoom out, in layout view, then I can see the ticks on the top and the
bottom.  What is gong on.  Also, I sometimes have labels turned on, that don
’t print unless I do a redraw window several times.  Huh?

I am simply amazed that the undo button has only one step back and only for
certain activity, not all activity, like resizing the map window.

How do you make a custom right click menu?

What might be the best way to deal with a large data set (10,000+ samples)
that cover a large area (1to1million scale on an E size paper), but only has
instances in small clusters, but your client wants all instances labeled.
So far I have used default 1:250,000 quad maps, labeling only the ID’s, and
creating a spider web of lines to samples sites.  Then I am showing in the
layout view all of the raw data.  This data is shown by several instances of
the tables in browser view, and corresponding layout view windows.  Oh, did
I forget, the client has sent several "redo's" of the data, so I need to
create all new browsers, and redisplay the layout windows so that all data
is presented.  I need to produce “ongoing data” and “final data” maps.  Any
hints and observations are greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Jesse Wellman

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