If you want to use a dbf file and not lose the
geographical location of the record, after you have
geocoded the record, have Mapinfo save the lat and
longitude in a new field in the dbf file.  Then you
can do what ever queries you want on the file in a
program like Access and then regeocode the results
using the lat and longitude (no misses that way).  I
like using this approach for non-geographic queries on
data because I understand the querying better in
Access and Paradox better than I do Mapinfo SQL or

--- "Majors, Randy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stuart--
> Very good points - thanks for the clarification!
> Randy
>               -----Original Message-----
>               From:   Cox, Stuart FOR:EX
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>               Sent:   Tuesday, November 09, 1999 3:43 PM
>               To:     'Majors, Randy'; 'MapInfo-L'
>               Subject:        RE: MI Native vs. dbf
>               Randy (and David),
>               There was a discussion some time ago on this issue
> in the
> list.  I haven't
>               kept a copy of all of the material, so please bear
> with me.
>               There's a danger in thinking that the two format
> sets are
> interchangeable:
>                 If one uses the .DBF file for write access by
> another
> program,
>               adding/changing records, MapInfo may lose its
> links to the
> remaining
>               portions of the dataset, the .map, .id and .ind. 
> I killed a
> lot of work by
>               doing this to myself without realising the
> limitations.
>               One would be better off to think that the .dat
> format is
> 'the' native format
>               and use the .dbf format solely for import, saving
> as a .dat
> when the import
>               is complete.
>               You can, of course, output this way too, but, if
> you fiddle
> the .dbf
>               externally, you'd better delete the .map, .id and
> .ind files
> before
>               importing again or MapInfo will assume
> (disastrously) that
> it's still got
>               the .dbf data that it had before.
>               Further thoughts?
>               Stuart Cox
>               Map Generalization Technician, not
>               Resources Inventory Branch
>               Phone: (250)387-5529
>               FAX: (250)356-9430
>               email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>               Check out the RIB Website at:
>               http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/resinv/homepage.htm
>               -----Original Message-----
>               From: Majors, Randy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>               Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 8:17 AM
>               To: David Bruce; Perry, Mike; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>               Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>               Subject: RE: MI Native vs. dbf
>               David -
>               I think Mike's question is not being understood -
> I think he
> is referring to
>               a .dbf file which is part of a MapInfo table
> (layer)
> structure, not a
>               standalone .dbf file.  
>               Background:
>               MapInfo supports two table (layer) formats which
> are fully
> read-writeable on
>               all operations, one MI native (.dat) and one dBase
> III+
> (.dbf)  (accessible
>               through File, Save Copy As, Save as Type, dBase
> (*.tab)).  This makes a
>               MapInfo's table's component files one of the
> following:
>               MI NATIVE:      MI DBF:
>               .tab            .tab    (describes structure of the table,
> e.g. fields, etc)
>               .dat    OR      .dbf    (stores the tabular data of the
> table)
>               .map            .map    (stores the graphic objects)
>               .id             .id     (cross reference linking the
> .dat/.dbf to the .map
>               file)
>               .ind            .ind    (if present, index file for fields
> indexed in
>               .dat/.dbf)
>               We have heard from MapInfo support (and others)
> that their
> .dat file is
>               basically a modified .dbf file, so the question is
> - "why
> did MapInfo Corp
>               modify the .dbf into a .dat - why not just use a
> universally
> recognized .dbf
>               file for the tabular data which makes up a
> table/layer?"
> Said another way,
>               what does the .dat do that the .dbf can't?  
>               (I have heard possibilities of the "way" that the
> .dbf
> stores integers is
>               not as efficient as the .dat, but is that the only
> drawback
> - the advantages
>               of a .dbf file format that other software can read
> (e.g. VB
> grid controls
>               can read .dbf) would seam to outway this
> disadvantage...)
>               Thanks
>               Randy
>                               -----Original Message-----
>                               From:   David Bruce
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>                               Sent:   Tuesday, November 09, 1999 6:32 AM
>                               To:     Perry, Mike; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                               Subject:        Re: MI Native vs. dbf
>                               Mike,
>                               The linkage of database records to map
> objects is integral
>               to the GIS
>                               functions in MapInfo [or any other GIS
> software].  The way
>               in which
>                               MapInfo implements the linkage - enabling
> creation,
>               modifying, and
>                               deleting of object attributes, as well as
> maintaining
>               logical database
>                               links to graphic objects which can be
> created, modified, or
>               deleted as
>                               well - is a proprietary expansion of the
> published .dbf file
>               format.
>                               David Bruce
>                               Pflum, Klausmeier & Gehrum Consultants, Inc.
>                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                               "Perry, Mike" wrote:
>                               > 
>                               > If a .DAT is just a slightly modified .DBF
> that happens to
>               be larger in file
>                               > size, why does MI use it?  What is
> different about the
>               native files that
>                               > makes them superior for MapInfo's use?
>                               >
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> to
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> body, or contact
>               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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=== message truncated ===


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