After the inconvenience experienced by our group, now divided in those
1) who had put "ELIAS" in their email filters; 2) those who got nuts and
aired their anguish, in an attempt the relieve their stress, 3) those -
the silent majority - who were wondering : "will that guy go on for
weeks like this ?". Everyday in life is a lesson and the lesson of this
story (which was taught during 3 days or so...) was : Look what
perseverance, determination, and utmost tenacity in achieving his goals
a man is capable of ! Kids you don't need to be smart [did Elias ever
wonder why he was not receiving message with others' "unsubscribe" !!],
just be stubborn and you will be rewarded (forgiven ?), just like Elias,
who was eventually "unsubscribed" (by a distressed webmaster), as he
wished to be !
One must also marvel at the unfathomable faith Elias puts in
computers... which, he believes, did not respond to his first 40 attemps
but wouldl perhaps hear him at the 41st time ! I like this human way of
looking at machines...


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