Thanks to all that replied, most were very good and usable concepts,
especially for future reference, however, for now, I'll just create a
"Label" column in my water table updating the field with names "not like
Unnamed etc.

I've been tring to create an expression that would label a streams layer
with only valid names ("Mapinfo Creek" "Mapbasic Pond" and not "UNNAMED
STREAM"  "UNNAMED POND" etc), using the following string:

Name <> any("UNNAMED%")
Name <> "UNNAMED%"

But the labels only produce "T" I assume for "True"

What am I doing wrong?
Here's what was suggested.

There could be a number of ways to do it. But a simple way to do it is:

SQL Select ....
Where  Name <> "UNNAMED%"

Then save Query or selection)  in to a new table, say NAMED.TAB. And then
just open the NAMED.TAB and label it with "NAME".

Butian Wang

You could do a query for: name not like "unknown%"
and call the query KNOWN.
Then use the layer control to add KNOWN to the mapper and label it.


Two issues with that.

1. I am assuming that you put that expression into the auto-label area
as an expression.  That won't quite work because MapInfo will return the
result of that query (Which would be "T" for true) as a label.  What you
want is to only show labels for records that do not have unnamed in the
field NAME.
2. The query you are using also will always return true.  The query you
want is  -  Left$(Name,7) <> "UNNAMED"

Try this:

Make a selection on your table : Left$(Name,7) <> "UNNAMED"
Save it as a new table - let's call it "Hydro_Labels"
Add this new layer to your map
Label this new layer

Hope this is helpful.  Let me know if you need more clarification.

Good Luck,

Kevin Wright

Can't speak to the True/False issue, but you might try Selecting from Table
where name not like "%Unnamed%" then label the selection.

Just a thought....

MI is responding correctly to a "logical" expression.

You will need to update the table accordingly or
do a selection where >> NOT (Name like "UNNAMED%") INTO MyLabels

Add MyLabels to the map and override the display to be "nothing" for pen and
brush [will not show]

Then you can do all the neat "expressions"

And turn on autolabeling

Here's a neat street expression [set labels for "dead center"]
minimum(fromleft,fromright)+" - "+maximum(toleft,toright)+CHR$(10)+Street

Trey Pattillo

The appropriate "operator" for SELECTs (or any "SQL" operation") where
wildcards are involved is:



name not like "UNNAMED%"



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