Hi Darrin. 

This problem is most likely due to a bug in the label position calculations
within MapInfo.  Eric Blasenheim, MapInfo Software Architect, explained the
problem and its workarounds in a post to Mapinfo-L years ago, which I have
quoted below.

I have been experiencing the same issue for years.  It shows up mainly when
putting highway numbers inside highway shields (any slight error in
alignment is glaringly obvious), but also when labeling points on large

Bottom line:  zoom in really tight (800%) on your layout, go back to the
mapper, turn the labels off, turn them back on, and return to the layout.
All should be well.

They need to fix this. 

Tim Nuteson
Target Corporation

[From Eric Blasenheim]:
It is not entirely clear to me that all the recent questions on label
plotting all relate to the same issue. Some may be a result of
misunderstanding how dynamic labels are composed. In particular, many
people still think that labels in the Layout are supposed to be the same as
those in the Map window.  This is not correct. The labels, which are always
sized using paper (Points) units, fit differently in the Layout paper space
than they do in the Map Window which has only the screen connection.

However, there is a bug in the layout label calculation that may be the
source of a number of these inquiries. There is also a workaround until
that bug is fixed.

When the labels are composed, their location is determined by translating
the label location of the object (usually the centroid) from geographic
units into a location on the page. This location is then adjusted according
to the nine label positioning and offset options and the text size which is
determined by querying the operating system (Windows).  Once these labels
are located only changes in the label settings for that layer, the scale of
the map or the size of the layout frame will cause the labels to be
recomposed. A simple zoom change in the layout, will not cause this. It
only changes the display size of all the labels. This is how it should be.

However, when the screen display size of the labels is quite small, the
conversions between geographic, screen and paper locations result in loss
of precision resulting in the labels not being correctly located.
Basically we are querying Windows with user point sizes (8, 10, 12 point)
scaled down to 1 or 2 points. This commonly occurs with large size plots
and/or small screen resolutions where a view which encompasses the entire
layout results in very small on screen text sizes.

The workaround is to force MapInfo Professional to recompose the labels
when the screen size of the text is more reasonable. So, if you zoom in to
the layout to where the text is readable and do any of the following the
labels should recompose correctly:

1) Change any setting in the label settings dialog or the check box for
dynamic label visibility at the first level of layer control. Obviously, if
you choose to turn off visibility you will need to turn it back on again.

2) Run any of the MapBasic  "Set Map Layer Label" commands from the
MapBasic window. These are the same commands generated by the Layer
control/Label settings dialogs.

3) Change any of the zoom/scale settings in the Change View dialog or the
MapBasic commands that they generate.

4) Change the size of the Layout frame where the Map is contained via the
Frame dialog or by dragging the frame corner or side.

Also note that any workspaces that you save can automatically use this
workaround by saving them at a Layout zoom where the text size is not too
small! Opening the workspace causes the layout frames including the labels
to be recomposed from scratch and if the viewed text size is reasonable,
the correct calculations will occur.

We are looking into a fix for this problem.

Eric Blasenheim

[end of quote]

-----Original Message-----
From: Darrin Clement [mailto:darrin@;maponics.com]
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 4:14 PM
To: Mapinfo-L
Subject: MI-L point labels - losing alignment

Hello everyone,

We have been seeing a very perplexing anomaly for a long
time and it is getting too hard to deal with.  Here's a
brief summary:

We have a point layer (which we happen to style using
symbols) which we also autolabel.  For small layouts
(~8.5x11 inches), the labels appear perfectly on the points
as we set in the label options to be centered.  However,
when we get to larger layouts (~3'x4'), *sometimes* the
labels get randomly off center.  I say "random" because some
are to the left, some under, some over, etc.  I say
"sometimes" because for the exact same data and workspaces,
we can sometimes fix this by turning off other layers.
However, we try the same "fix" on the next map, and it
doesn't work.  We can't figure out why the labels don't snap
to the points they are supposed to be labeling.

We've tried it using both custom symbols and standard
symbols for the points, and we've tried different font
sizes, etc.  We have also made sure that zoom layering is
off for the points and labels.

Does anyone have any advice?



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