
Thanks for the response.

I completed the following steps.

- got the code from MR-279 branch.
- installed ant/maven.
- Got the protobuf code, compiled and installed it.

Do I need the avro-maven-plugin? When I ran the below command got the error that the pom file was not found. Where do I get the jar and the pom files for the avro-maven-plugin? I was able to get the source code for them, but not the binaries.

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./avro-maven-plugin/avro-maven-plugin-1.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -DpomFile=./avro-maven-plugin/avro-maven-plugin-1.4.0-SNAPSHOT.pom


On Wednesday 15 June 2011 08:19 PM, Thomas Graves wrote:

On 6/15/11 8:54 AM, "Praveen Sripati"<>  wrote:


I am trying to build and deploy MRv2 and following the instructions in the
INSTALL file. The instructions have to be modified after the recent
re-organisation (HADOOP-7106)>

1. Is the code under MR-279 branch not sufficient? Should I get the common
code from the yahoo-merge branch and the HDFS code from the HDFS-1052 branch
based on the instructions - what's the dependency?

I'll update the INSTALL doc.

You should be able to checkout just the MR-279 branch now.  It pulls in the
yahoo-merge version of common and hdfs.  Todd set that up to work
automatically when unsplitting, from his email:

   (this one has the yahoo-merge common and hdfs, and the MR-279 mapred)

Checkout code:
svn co

-install protobuf - see here for instructions on that, I'm actually using
version  2.4.1:

Setup env:
- export MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib

build common
- cd common
- ant veryclean mvn-install tar

build hdfs
- cd hdfs
- ant veryclean mvn-install -Dresolvers=internal tar

build yarn
- cd mapreduce
- mvn clean install assembly:assembly
  # If tests are failing, add this option to skip them:
- ant veryclean jar jar-test tar -Dresolvers=internal

Let me know if you have any problems.

2. Should I get the rest of the code (excluding common and HDFS) from the
MR-279 branch?

Yes, see above.

3. What is the yahoo-merge branch?
  yahoo-merge branch was used when yahoo merged everything back to apache
from its private branch.  I believe it should be same as trunk for common
and hdfs at this point.


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