I am happy to announce that Oath will be hosting the next Hadoop
Contributors meetup on Tuesday, September 25th at Yahoo Building G, 589
Java Drive, Sunnyvale CA from 8:00AM to 6:00PM.

The agenda will look roughly as follows:

08:00AM - 08:30AM Arrival and Check-in
08:30AM - 12:00PM A series of brief talks with some of the topics including:
  - HDFS scalability and security
  - Use cases and future directions for Docker on YARN
  - Submarine (Deep Learning on YARN)
  - Hadoop in the cloud
  - Oath's use of machine learning, Vespa, and Storm
11:45PM - 12:30PM Lunch Break
12:30PM - 02:00PM Brief talks series resume
02:00PM - 04:30PM Parallel breakout sessions to discuss topics suggested by
attendees.  Some proposed topics include:
  - Improved security credentials management for long-running YARN
  - Improved management of parallel development lines
  - Proposals for the next bug bash
  - Tez shuffle handler and DAG aware scheduler overview
 04:30PM - 06:00PM Closing Reception

RSVP at https://www.meetup.com/Hadoop-Contributors/events/254012512/ is
REQUIRED to attend and spots are limited.  Security will be checking the
attendee list as you enter the building.

We will host a Google Hangouts/Meet so people who are interested but unable
to attend in person can participate remotely.  Details will be posted to
the meetup event.

Hope to see you there!


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