I am inviting anyone to try and vote on this release candidate.

This is built off branch-3.3.6 plus PR#5741 (aws sdk update) and PR#5740
(LICENSE file update)

The RC is available at:
https://home.apache.org/~weichiu/hadoop-3.3.6-RC0-amd64/ (for amd64)
https://home.apache.org/~weichiu/hadoop-3.3.6-RC0-arm64/ (for arm64)

Git tag: release-3.3.6-RC0

Maven artifacts is built by x86 machine and are staged at

My public key:


Release notes:

This is a relatively small release (by Hadoop standard) containing about
120 commits.
Please give it a try, this RC vote will run for 7 days.

Feature highlights:

SBOM artifacts
Starting from this release, Hadoop publishes Software Bill of Materials
(SBOM) using
CycloneDX Maven plugin. For more information about SBOM, please go to

HDFS RBF: RDBMS based token storage support
HDFS Router-Router Based Federation now supports storing delegation tokens
on MySQL,
which improves token operation through over the original Zookeeper-based

New File System APIs
[HADOOP-18671](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-18671) moved a
number of
HDFS-specific APIs to Hadoop Common to make it possible for certain
applications that
depend on HDFS semantics to run on other Hadoop compatible file systems.

In particular, recoverLease() and isFileClosed() are exposed through
interface. While setSafeMode() is exposed through SafeMode interface.

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