Hello together,
I'm glad to can say that we have now an OSM-database which we can access
from WMFLabs / Toollabs.

To access the database use:
 psql  -h labsdb1004.eqiad.wmnet gis -U osm
This means host is labsdb1004.eqiad.wmnet, database is gis
and user is osm.

More infos about Toollabs are here:
Shorter version:

On Labs we have a maps-project with some instances:

Inside this database you can find OSM database for mapnik rendering,
WIWOSM data and Wikipedia coordinates from Wikipedia-World project.

Javascript Libraries are also moved to:

Kai is in the moment working to set-up the render stack.

So it's a good time for all mapnik-style-designers from Toolserver, to
start now updating styles. It would be nice if these styles are updated
end of May.

I'm optimistical that this can be a good restart of activities we had on
Toolserver. With new developments like Wikidata, with the flexibility of
labs (root-rights for everyone) and the simplicity of Tool-labs
(administrated by professionals /multimaintainer projects by default) I
see a bright future for maps and geo-data on this plattform.

Everything is still at the beginning, documentation have to write and
lot of things have to set-up. Any help is welcome.
For question and comments use this list, which could also come back to
old activity-level.

Greetings Tim alias Kolossos

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