
I manually imported my data from postgre into SQL 2008 and the map displays fine. I am now executing a the layer.queryByPoint () command followed by the layer.getResults() command at which point the program fails and gives the following error:

msMSSQL2008LayerGetItems(): Query error. msMSSQL2008LayerGetItems: tried to find the geometry column in the results from the database, but couldnt find it. Is it miss-capitialized? 'the_geom'

I know when you create the tables in the postgre database you explicitly add the geometry column after the table creation

ie: SELECT AddGeometryColumn('','ct_main_points','the_geom','-1','POINT',2);

when I tried this in SQL 2008 the function was not recognized and I cannot find the SQL equivalent function. So I simply added the geometry column when I created the table, now I have a feeling that is what is causing this error.

If anyone has seen this error or knows of the AddGeometryColumn SQL 2008 equivalent function, please could you let me know.

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