The functions in LAYER object are
MAXSCALE 'Value of Scale'
MINSCALE 'Value of minimun Scale'
Consult this http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/docs/reference/mapfile/layer
And at the end of the page you find some considerations for MINSCALE AND
MAXSCALE interpretation in MapServer

2008/6/6 Adrian Popa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello everybody,
> I'm new to this mailing list, so forgive me if this question has been asked
> before (I haven't been able to search the archives).
> My question is this:
> I have a map with several layers (including cities, roads, villages) and I
> would like to automatically turn some layers on when the user has zoomed in
> enough. I know I have read somewhere that you can set a property to the
> layer to tell it when it should be turned automatically on, but I can't find
> the property name or an example to get me going.
> So please, point me in the right direction.
> Thank you!
> PS. I'm using mapserver 4.1 (and msMap as a frontend).
> --
> Adrian Popa
> Network Engineer
> Romtelecom S.A.
> Divizia Centrul National de Operare Retea
> Departament Transport IP & Metro
> Compartiment IP Core
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