from version 5.2 AND with AGG output, you can obtain this by setting
the OPACITY keyword at the STYLE level.


On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 11:20, Reinoud Bokhorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a PostGIS table with about 12000 polygons scattered around the globe.
> The polygons outline areas where I have particular model data. To get an
> impression about the data density, I want to plot the polygons with a fill
> color and a high transparency value. This would mean that the colour on the
> map gets darker depending on how many polygons overlap at a particular
> location because the color values will add up.
> I can do this for example in QGIS but not in Mapserver. It requires that the
> polygons themselves are drawn using a transparency value but it seems that
> mapserver first draws all polygons and them applies the transparency value
> to the resulting image. Is there a solution for this?
> Reinoud Bokhorst
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