This is probably not the best solution but it is what worked for me.

1) I made a static copy of the GetCapabilities output from mapserver.
2) I modified the static file to
 a) Only offer JPEG image types (otherwise ArcGIS 9.2 and 9.3 read my aerial 
photos as 8-bit PNG)
 b) Appended the 'SERVICE=WMS&' bit to all the URLs (e.g. in the 
GetMap/GetLegend/... sections) 
3) Told the ArcGIS users to access the static XML instead of the Mapserver WMS 
service directly.

>>> "David Martinez Morata" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/10/08 4:32 AM >>>

I was create a WMS service with previous version (5.0.2) for Raster data,
and I can conect with the service via ArcGIS.

Now I install a new version of MS4W (with Mapserver 5.2) and I try to deserv
the WMS in this server, but I found a problem with ArcGIS client (and the
web test to)

With the old WMS service I put the link in FireFox and I have the map image
(Apache log "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 212004)

But with the new if I try this i don't have the image.(Apache log "GET"GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 552)

And if I put the &SERVICE=WMS parameter I have the image with new.

My question is if this is a change in Mapserver and how I can pase this
parametre in ArcGIS Request? I can define this in wms metadata in the map


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