Ciao José.

You can get the WFS layer in a free desktop GIS, like QGis ( via
a default plugin which must be activated, and then export in shapefile.

If you need GML use ogr2ogr; qgis also has a converter plugin, but I never
used - be careful to GML version...

Hope this help

 ........................ pg

Pietro Giannini
Bytewise srl - Area GIS
41°50'38.58"N 12°29'13.39"E

On Gio, Novembre 20, 2008 14:30, José María Michia wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to create a data file, in "GML", starting with a layer of type
> "annotation" generated by "MapServer" as "WFS".
> I've only been able to create the file "GML" using LAYER-> TYPE = POLYGON.
> This does not serve me, because it includes all the elements of the layer.
> I
> want a layer that contains only the items that "MapServer" decided that
> should be labeled.
> The goal is to use data from the labels in other programs. So, other GIS
> formats can be fine.
> Thanks for any advice.
> José María
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