
First thing to do is to call "mapserv" cgi-bin program.  Then the program is 
searching for a "mapfile" that is given by "map" parameter in the request. And 
finalle the mapfile is interpreted for making the final map image.  Mapfile has 
all the instruction about where to find the data and what to do with it.

In your case mapserv program is found, but the error message tells that the 
second step fails and the mapfile "world.map" is not found. Either the request 
must be edited so that Apache finds it or the mapfile must be moved to the 
directory where Apache now tries to find it with the current request.  I 
suggest the first solution. As did Frank, even his example request may be 
nonsense with two different "mode" options.
> http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/opt/maps/world.map&mode=browse&layers=all&mode=map

Most secure way is to give to full absolute path in the file system. In Windows 
it is something like map=c:\ms4w\apps\map\world.map, but I don't know about 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
Lähettäjä: [EMAIL PROTECTED] puolesta: Chris h
Lähetetty: su 23.11.2008 0:58
Vastaanottaja: mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org
Aihe: Re: [mapserver-users] install issues
On Saturday 22 November 2008 16:58:32 you wrote:

> Try providing the full path to the map file.  Something like
> http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/opt/maps/world.map&mode=browse&layers

Apologies in advance as total nube at this. The map exists in the postgesql db 
and the mapfile makes a call to that db to render it via mapserver processes. 
At least that's how I understand the references sited and followed. ????

The shapefile download was processed into a .sgl file and loaded into the 
spatially enabled db. The mapfile presented is supposed to make a call to 
that db. Perhaps Im missing something as I see no significant errors in the 
postgresql logs. The processes dont seem to be talking to each other. 

Many thanks for your comments however. 

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