
Did you try the other way around? Making the WMS request with a square BBOX?

Mapserver should return a valid image. Maybe others may help, I remember a bug of a 1 pixel error in some cases, but I don't remember what it was exactly.


Roger André wrote:
Hi Julien,

That makes sense, but it doesn't work. I modified my mapfile so that I now generate a 20_deg x 20_deg tile that is 600_pixels x 600_pixels. If I georeference that image using the extents, I still get incorrect placement. Maybe if I choose an output projection which always has square pixels, like spherical mercator (?) this will work. I'll give it a shot.

Is there any way to give a WMS request via mapscript and NOT go through CGI?


On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 12:25 PM, Julien-Samuel Lacroix <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:


    I guess would be that the WMS use non-square pixels. So if your BBOX
    x/y  (rectangle in your case) doesn't match you WIDTH/HEIGHT ratio
    (square in your case) the map will appear stretched. MapServer will
    actually stretch the map to fit the extent in the WIDTH/HEIGHT.

    The mode=map don't do that. If your extent doesn't have the same
    ratio, it adds some degree in your extent to fit the size.

    Make sure your BBOX and EXTENT are a square in your requests and retry


    Roger André wrote:

        Hi All,

        I think I'm having an instance of cranial flatulation, but maybe
        not.  Hopefully you can set me straight.

        I need to create an image with Mapserver using mapscript that I
        can then georeference manually and use in another application.
         It needs to look exactly the same as the image I can already
        generate via a WMS call that looks like this:


        I'm testing my mapscript parameters using a simple "mode=map"
        call to Mapserver, and the results I'm getting so far don't
        match the appearance of the WMS output at all.  My mapfile has
        the following extent and projection info in it:


         EXTENT -125.0  39.0 -108.0  54.0
         SIZE 600 600

        In addition to the mapfile projection specification, I am also
        specifying the same projection info in each of my LAYERS as well.

        Is it possible to do what I'm trying to accomplish here?




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-- Julien-Samuel Lacroix

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