Are there any effective tricks for making MapServer to Top-Fuel class?
We have now a typical ms4w installation on a rather good server platform
with SCSI drives and 2 four-core processors running on Windows 2003
server. Our images are tiled, uncompressed geotiffs with overviews,
vector sample data set is shapefile with shptree index.  I have a
shortened epsg file and my mapfile is extra short. Bandwith is not the
limit. We are getting out now about 450 orthoimage pictures per minute
(size 500 by 500 pixels) and 550 pictures from the vector layer in png24
image format.  I consider that rather good, but we are required to reach
20 images per second, thus 1200 images per minute or 0.05 seconds per
image.  I wonder if anybody has tuned MapServer that far.
I am willing to try however exotic solutions to reach the 20 WMS output
images/second goal if somebody could suggest me what to try next.  In
our system there seems to be about 0.1 second ballast with WMS getMap
requests and I cannot get any faster response even if I try with on
empty data layer with nothing to render.  Have anybody tried to keep
mapfile,  epsg-file or even tileindex files in RAM drive?  
Having about 20 parallel users seems to be optimal for our server and if
I drive just WMS getCapabilities request against my mapfile I can get
about 1300 responses per minute.  That leads me to think that 1200
rendered images per minute might be possible to reach with optimal
-Jukka Rahkonen-
mapserver-users mailing list

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