G'day all,

This might be a postgis list question, but I thought I'd try here first.

I have a table with approx 4 million rows, each with a date and start and end point (and some other). This table would probably increase by around 300 000 rows per month. The table is indexed and clustered by date, and the table has no specific geometry information, just a code to link to a geometry table.

To produce a useful sense of the activity, I am collecting all the start and end points in a given time frame, and making line segments, then aggregating by start and end point, and counting the total number of each line.

SELECT "bucket"::text,asbinary(force_collection(force_2d(route)),'NDR'),mid::text from ( SELECT (ogid*1000 + dgid)::int as mid, origtta, desttta, ST_MakeLine(s.orig, s.dest) as route, total_head, ceiling(log(total_head))::int as bucket FROM ( SELECT o.gid as ogid, d.gid as dgid, o.area_name as origtta, d.area_name as desttta, st_centroid(o.the_geom) as orig, st_centroid(d.the_geom) as dest, count(n.id) as total_head
FROM nlis n
JOIN tailtagarea o ON n.sourceshire = o.shortcode
JOIN tailtagarea d ON n.destinationshire = d.shortcode
WHERE sourceshire is not null AND sourceshire not like ' '
AND destinationshire is not null AND destinationshire not like ' '
AND transferdate >= '13/06/2008' AND transferdate <= '15/06/2008'
GROUP BY o.gid, d.gid, o.area_name, d.area_name, st_centroid(o.the_geom), st_centroid(d.the_geom)
) AS s
) AS foo

in the terminal, this runs in either about 4 or 9 seconds depending on the date range - if it becomes more than about 3 days of reports the query analyzer notes moving to disk based sorts etc.

However, when I run it in MapServer, the following statement is added :

WHERE route && setSRID('BOX3D(105.204213080645 -37.0327214193548,143.604244080645 -9.31123074193548)'::BOX3D, 4326 )

and it never completes, and neither does it if I take the final statement and run it directly in psql.

So, I read the documentation, and read about moving the BBOX statement using !BOX!, which I did (using st_within on both the joins, but in fact, this is not the behaviour I want, as it stops any lines being created if they start or end outside the window ( I want to see these ones as well).

Additionally, it didn't stop the final bbox statement being added, which I thought it was meant to?

So can I just trick MapServer into not adding the BBOX?

After aggregation, there is unlikely to be more than about 200 lines to be rendered, so whether or not they are in the map window shouldn't damage rendering performance too much - should it?




Ben Madin

t : +61 8 9192 5455
f : +61 8 9192 5535
m : 0448 887 220
Broome   WA   6725


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