
There is a closed ticket

We need to deliver most of our WMS layers in 3-5 different projections.
It would good to get bounding boxes for all the projections that are
advertised with "wms_srs".

Ticket comment: "Do we really want/need this?"
My comment: If bounding box is missing the GIS client cannot zoom to WMS
layer. Users need to open some local vector file or WFS layer in correct
projection for locating themselves to correct place.  It is not very

Ticket comment: "Imagine for instance a server which advertizes 50 SRS
and contains 50 layers... thbose are fairly low numbers for WMS services
but would result in 2500 bbox entries, most of them possibly invalid
because the bbox is outside the projections' mathematical limits and the
reprojection of the bbox results in invalid values."
My comment: I did, and continued to imagine a server advertizing 1000
SRS and 1000 layers. Wow, I see a million bounding boxes in my eyes :)
In real life less than hundred boxes would be enough for us and our
users would love us.

If Mapserver won't support multiple bounding boxes I could also imagine
to make it manually.  But should I then create some static
getCapabilities document and deliver that for our clients?  Where should
I put the file when running Mapserver from MS4W?

-Jukka Rahkonen-
mapserver-users mailing list

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