Which version of Mapserver are you running?

This was fixed in 5.2.1.

Best regards,

Travis Kirstine wrote:
I have been attempting to test a wms service with arcgis and am having
difficulties.  ArcGIS keeps generating the following error:

"One or more layers failed to draw:

test_wms:   WMS service exceptions:-Service Error Code:service
Service Error Description: msWFSDispatch(): WFS server error.
Incomplete WFS request: SERVICE parameter missing
-Service Error Code:service"

I looked at my log file and there is no service parameter specified in
the getmap request

HTTP/1.0" 200 479
"http://www.esri.com/7B099B36-70DF-4D0C-9803-12574249D3CE"; "ArcGIS
Client Using WinInet"

I added the &SERVICE=WMS to the request and tested it in the browser
and it returned the image.  Is there a parameter that I am missing in
my mapfile or is this just a  bad request from arcgis?.

Bart van den Eijnden
OSGIS, Open Source GIS

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