Set the mapfile QUERYMAP style to highlight   Draw the map using drawQuery() 
instead of draw().

$img = $map->drawQuery();
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');

On 4/9/09 1:31 PM, "Jay Kapalczynski" <> 

Basically what I have is a query that runs on a shapefile...
It returns the records into a table, which I then have the option to zoom to.

I am looking for a bit more....after I run the query (php) I want the returned 
records to highlight in the map...
I can get the Unique identifier but don't know if I can write some code in PHP 
to highlight those features

I don't even know where to start here...

The query and returning records into the table, as well as, the zoom to work 
great...just need the highlight part


From: Jay Kapalczynski
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 1:03 PM
To: ''
Subject: Highlight

Any way to highlight a feature in my map in PHP?

I can grab a unique identifier but can figure out how to highlight it...


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